
With a truly global presence, Optimas Components can give your products worldwide exposure. If you're interested in becoming a supply partner contact us. Here are some of our key manufacturing supply partners.

Techflex Inc.

始于1965年, Techflex为不同行业设计和生产多种编制套管, 从生物医疗到航空航天行业, 为线缆, 软管和线束捆扎提供高性能的保护解决方案。 在众多行业的丰富经验,以及我们多种样化可选择的用途和高科技特色的产品, 为Techflex在编织套管行业赢得一流的声誉。 安普达-零部件事业部(中国)作为其亚太区的授权分销商销售Techflex全系列产品,请联系安普达-零部件事业部要求样品,询价和技术支持,也可以直接登录网站了解其业务和产品范围: www.techflex.com

Techflex Inc.

Since 1965, Techflex has been engineering and manufacturing a wide range of braided sleeving products for a variety of industries from biomedical and aerospace to wire, hose and cable bundling protection solutions for high performance automotive enthusiasts. Our experience with this broad market, as well as our wide selection of general purpose and high-tech specialty products, has made Techflex the first name in sleeving solutions. Optimas OE Solutions – Components Division (China) is the authorized distributor to sell full range of Techflex products in Asia, please contact Optimas Components China to get the samples, prices or technical supports, or straightly visit the website to understand the business and product range of Techflex: www.techflex.com.





Cable Protection Products

Heyco Products Inc. has over 75 years of experience in the design and manufacture of moulded wire protection products and stamped electrical components to meet demanding applications. They were the original designers and manufacturers of the nylon cable strain relief bushing in the 1950's and have been innovating new products ever since. We have been Heyco's distributor since 1968.


成立于1947年以美国生产的ETCO公司(www.etco.com)主要生产精密冲压件和橡胶及注塑产品。他们的产品被广泛用于多个工业领域,包括汽车、家电、航空、医疗、信息技术硬件、网络以及许多其他行业。 ETCO产品被全球超过30个国家的客户使用。


Founded in 1947, USA-based ETCO has been manufacturing precision stampings, plus rubber and plastic moulded products since 1947. Their products are used in a range of industrial markets including automotive, domestic appliances, aviation, medical, information technology hardware, networking and many others. ETCO supplies major customers in over 30 countries around the world.





Cable Sealing Systems

TST is a division of RUTAB, Sweden's leading supplier of cable glands, grommets and flexible conduits. They have reached that position by focusing on long-term planning, a high service level, a broad quality product range and extensive investment in developing unique products. The core of their range is cable and pipe entries, where they offer a wide range.



RAF Electronic Hardware是世界领先的为各个行业生产和销售的电子五金零部件制造商,涉及行业包括计算机,通讯,医疗,娱乐和军备航空等行业。他们生产各种尺寸的支撑柱,间隔柱,把手,公牙-母压支撑柱,滚花螺钉,防脱螺钉,嵌套螺钉,手拧螺钉和螺母,嵌入支撑柱,绝缘垫片,精密轴肩螺钉,防旋转嵌入支撑柱,嵌入压装工具和各种塑料PCB板间隔柱,所有的产品采用美标和公制规格生产。


Captive Panel Fasteners

RAF Electronic Hardware is the world leading supplier of electronic hardware components to a variety of industries, including computers, telecommunications, medical, entertainment and military/aerospace. They are manufacturing a wide size of standoffs, spacers, handles & ferrules, male/female standoffs, captive screws, retainers, jackscrews, precision shoulder screws, thumb screws, thumb nuts, swage standoffs, insulating washers, anti-rotation swage standoffs, swaging tools, and plastic circuit board supports. All products can be supplied in American standard and metric dimensions.


阿尔法电线公司拥有很高知名度的产品和技术而如今很多高新技术企业相当依赖于他们可在严苛使用环境的产品和技术 - 从坚固耐用XTRA•GUARD®高性能电子线到严苛使用要求的阿尔法工业系列,在计算机、通讯、医疗、半导体设备、工业自动化等苛刻行业被广泛使用。


Alpha Wire Company has the branded products and the expertise that today's advanced technology companies have come to rely on in their most critical applications – from the tough, durable XTRA•GUARD® High Performance Electronic Cables to the manufacturing-critical Alpha Wire INDUSTRIAL SERIES, for Computer, Telecommunication, Medical, Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing, Industrial Automation and other application critical industries.



Panduit 的创建源于创新,在1955 年推出了第一个产品 - Panduct 线槽,这是一项独特组织的控制面板布线并允许快速和灵活添加新电缆的新发明。 自那时起,Panduit 推出了数以千计的新产品解决方案,并仍致力于提供创新的电气和网络基础设施解决方案。今天客户期望 Panduit 作为一个值得信赖的顾问来合作,以解决他们在其 数据中心, 企业和 工业环境中最重要的业务挑战,其多样化的产品范围从扎带,数据传输电线及数据中心用的机柜被应用于全球范围内的多个行业。


Cable Management Accessories and More

Panduit was born from innovation. In 1955 Panduit launched the first product -Panduct Wiring Duct, a new invention that uniquely organized control panel wiring and allowed new wires to be added quickly and neatly. Since that time Panduit has introduced thousands of problem solving new products and remained committed to providing innovative electrical and network infrastructure solutions. Today, customers look to Panduit as a trusted advisor who works with them to address their most critical business challenges within their Data Center, Enterprise, and Industrial environments, and the wide product range including cable tie, data cable and cabinet of data center are supplied to various industries around the world.



在过去的65年中,Caplugs一直是产品保护领域的领导者,其创新的塑料成型部件解决了医疗,能源,汽车,电子,液压等多个领域的行业挑战。 Caplugs拥有超过12,000种标准产品,包括塑料盖和塞,网纹管,管材,容器和遮蔽产品。


Protection Product Solutions

For more than 65 years, Caplugs has been the leader in product protection with innovative plastic molded components that solve industry-wide challenges in many markets such as medical, energy, automotive, electronics, hydraulics and more. Caplugs has over 12,000 standard products that include plastic caps and plugs, netting, tubing, containers and masking devices.





Cable Glands and Fittings

Begun the business in 1978 as a professional manufacturer of cable glands and fittings, pressure balance elements and etc. With the production facilities at Turkey and Romania, Bimed provides the solutions of cable entry, pressure ventilation and conduit connection to all kinds of industrial companies, and won the high reputation for quality products around the world.